Widows' Oil was founded because over the years we have witnessed many widows and widowers struggle, even though they have great gifts they can utilize to better their livelihood.
I remember reading a narrative about two widows in desperate situations. One was about to prepare a last meal for her and her son because there was no more food in the house. The other was left with so much debt that the repayment would cost her the planned future for her children. I learned that both of these women had value in what they had left in their homes. They never tapped into what they could do with their own hands.
After studying these accounts and reciting them to widows and some widowers I have met personally over the years, I found that many of them could relate. They never knew how to reproduce the product or employ the gifts that they already possessed.
In our efforts to assist, Widows’ Oil has aided widows in housing, finance, and business. There have been times that we have assisted divorced women with home and car maintenance needs. We would love to expand our efforts and support widows, widowers, and divorcee’s talents as they develop their ideas. We ask that you help us to bring many of them out of poverty and just surviving to financial success for them and for their under-aged children’s future.
Your contribution in any way will help us to promote each of them so that none of them feel desperate or desolate.
Our goal is to assist at least one widow or widower and or a divorcee per month for the first year and to double our assistance each year for 5 years. By the time we approach 60 months, we would like to have brought 372 people consisting of widows, widowers, divorcees, and their under-aged children to a secure future with substantial income.
To alleviate the struggle that many widows, widowers, divorcees as well as their children have after tragedy and assist them in meeting life’s necessities while helping to develop their own dreams by assisting them as they add streams of income.
Vision Statement
Advancing widows, widowers, divorcees and their under-aged children from tragedy, poverty, and dependency to levels of success in five years or less.